prairie Dog For Sale

Prairie Dog pets for sale
Prairie dogs are surprisingly adorable and can make great companion pets. Despite their name, they are not dogs at all but rodents actually closely related to the flying squirrel. Prairie dogs have been kept as captive pets for many decades. One main reason prairie dogs are so popular is because of their huge and distinct personalities. Many of our customers have more than one prairie dog, and we encourage small same-sex colonies. Prairie dogs make great fun pets in the right environment. A few negative aspects to consider about prairie dogs are they are destructive and require a special large indoor enclosure. If you think a prairie dog is right for you please read the care info blog and sign up for our notification list at the bottom of this page.
Buy a Prairie Dog from Janda
The first step to purchasing a baby prairie dog is to research our website to learn more about Prairie Dog Care and ownership
The second step is to ensure prairie dogs are legal to own
in your city limits, county, and state
Third, establish or find a vet who is experienced in prairie dog care
Prairie Dog pups For Sale
Taking deposits now for prairie dog pups ready April 2025​
​JEAR breeds captive prairie dogs at our ranch.
Babies are born once per year only in early spring, babies are not available out of season. We do not sell adults.
2024- Babies are all SOLD
At JEAR, our focus isn’t on selling you an animal.
Our mission is to provide you with the perfect animal experience;
making sure that you if leave with a little one it is right for you and your family.
Come on out and let us show you what the Janda experience is all about.
Previously Sold Prairie Dog pups